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With gratitude to my teachers: Dr. L. von Bertalanffy (general system theory) For MeiMei ISBN 90-70525-23-2. PIP Press. Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1999. Excerpt of the original book. Fourth revised edition, February 1999. Copyright © Han M. Stiekema, M.D. All rights reserved. Any part of this book may only be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system and/or transmitted in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, recording, internet or other means, chemical, electronic or mechanical, with the written permission of the author. The content of this book is intended solely for informational and educational purposes and not as medical advice. The liability for following any of the suggestions made in this book is entirely yours. PIP Press is the not-for-profit educative branch of the medical practice of Han M. Stiekema, MD. "Flow System Therapy" is a mailorder book with distribution worldwide, click here. Contents Preface CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 STATEMENTS CHAPTER 3. EARTH CARE 10 MAIN TEXT CHAPTER 4. NUTRITION 14 MAIN TEXT CASE HISTORIES Optimal Vitality Care 4.1. Kick the stimulants 4.2 Transition days 4.3 Rich in fiber 4.4 Quark linseed oil-porridge 4.5 Rotation diet 4.6 "Stone-age" diet 4.7 Salicylate-poor diet 4.8 Undernourishment 4.9 Nutrition for the elderly 4.10 Soy CHAPTER 5. DIGESTION 26 MAIN TEXT CASE HISTORIES Self diagnosis 1 Optimal Vitality Care CLEANSING 5.1 Cleansing 5.2 Magnesium Sulphate 5.3 Castor Oil 5.4 Fol.Sennae 5.5 Green Clay EATING HABITS 5.6 Eating habits 5.7 Fruct. Carvi TONIFICATION The "distended stomach cure" 5.8 Separation of carbohydrates and proteins 5.9 No baking and frying of carbohydrates 5.10 Retching 5.11 Vomiting cure 5.12 Bitter herbs 5.13 Extr. Centaurii 5.14 Linseed slime 5.15 Pressure point massage 5.16 Segment massage 5.17 Nauli/Udhyana banda exercise TONIFICATION OF THE ENTIRE BELLY Self diagnosis 2 5.18 The combined rubbing bath acc. to L.Kuhne 5.19 Jogging/swimming 5.20 Laughter as "the best medicine" 5.21 Abdominal massage 5.22 Pelvic treatment 5.23 Hemorrhoids 5.24 Footsole reflexology REGENERATION 5.25 Digestive enzymes 5.26 Digestive enzymes 5.27 (Organic) whey 5.28 Da Shan Zha Wan 5.29 Pro-biotics 5.30 Treatment of fungi CHAPTER 6. TRANSPORTATION 43 MAIN TEXT CASE HISTORIES Optimal Vitality Care 6.1 Animal protein 6.2 Sufficient fluid intake 6.3 Giving blood 6.4 Physical exertion 6.5 Water treatments 6.6 Garlic CHAPTER 7. COMBUSTION 51 MAIN TEXT CASE HISTORIES Optimal Vitality Care OXYGEN 7.1 Lactic-acid fermented red beet juice 7.2 MgO2 7.3 Extensive stretching and yawning 7.4 "Breath washing" 7.5 Breath pump EXERCISE 7.6 Physical exertion, exercise and sports FEVER 7.7 Ofuro (sento), the Japanese hot bath 7.8 The Schlenz bath or overheated bath 7.9 Regularly taking an ordinary hot bath 7.10 Electrical blanket 7.11 Natural therapy of common infectious diseases 7.12 Vaccinations are still a hot issue 7.13 Echinacea drops 7.14 Flor. Chamomillae CHAPTER 8. ASSIMILATION 61 MAIN TEXT CASE HISTORIES Optimal Vitality Care 8.1 Organic high quality food 8.2 Sufficient fruits, optimal green vegetables etc. 8.3 Do not add salt to your food 8.4 Supplements 8.5 Vitamin B-complex 8.6 Calcium intake CHAPTER 9. DETOXIFICATION 67 MAIN TEXT Self diagnosis CASE HISTORIES Optimal Vitality Care DE-ACIDIFICATION 9.1 Alkaline therapy CAUSES OF ACIDIFICATION 9.2 Consistency in healthy nutrition and lifestyle 9.3 Abundant drinking 9.4 Minerals rich in alkalines 9.5 Exercise, sweating and sauna 9.6 "Leach" bath 9.7 Alkaline enema 9.8 Alkaline ointment 9.9 Alkaline inhalations 9.10 Alkaline tooth powder 9.11 Sodium bicarbonate 9.12 Magnes. citric. etc 9.13 Sodium monohydrog.phos. etc 9.14 Protein fasting 9.15 Giving half a liter blood 9.16 Drinking a lot 9.17 Eating a lemon a day LYMPH SYSTEM 9.18 Amalgam 9.19 Oil chewing 9.20 Armpit/breast-drainage 9.21 Connective tissue massage THE LIVER 9.22 Liver flush 9.23 Liver nutrition 9.24 Liver pack 9.25 Laxative 9.26 Water enema 9.27 Retching and vomiting 9.28 Pressure point massage 9.29 Carduus marianus 9.30 Temoe lawak 9.31 Rad. Taraxaci etc. 9.32 Peppermint tea 9.33 Bitter remedies 9.34 Winter radish juice 9.35 Liu Wei Di Huang Wan STIMULATION OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM 9.36 Guasha 9.37 Auto urine therapy 9.38 Clapping of the thymus 9.39 Chlorophyll 9.40 Melatonin CHAPTER 10. ELIMINATION A 82 MAIN TEXT CASE HISTORIES Self diagnosis ELIMINATION B Optimal Vitality Care GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT 10.1 Vomiting 10.2 Simple bowel cleansing 10.3 Mild bowel cleansing cure 10.4 Intensive bowel cleansing cure 10.5 Dying to the old 10.6 Rad. Ebuli etc. LUNGS 10.7 Breath (not brain) washing 10.8 Priesznitz breast wrap 10.9 Steaming 10.10 Rad. Primulae etc. 10.11 Chamomillae etc 10.12 Ol. Thymi etc. KIDNEYS 10.13 Drinking cure 10.14 Honghua You (Chinese herbal oil) 10.15 Ol.Juniperi etc. 10.16 Fol. Orthosiph.Stram. 10.17 Solidago tincture 10.18 Rad.Taraxaci cum Herb. etc. 10.19 Wu Ling San SKIN 10.20 Dry brushing of the skin 10.21 Alternating hot and cold shower 10.22 Active perspiring 10.23 Passive perspiring 10.24 Sauna 10.25 Flor. Sambuc. etc. 10.26 Chinese green onion-fermented black beans broth 10.27 "Leach" bath 10.28 Salt shirt 10.29 (Green) clay 10.30 The cantharide (capsicum) plaster 10.31 Pustula provocation 10.32 Cupping 10.33 Fun house MUCOUS MEMBRANES 10.34 Crying 10.35 An onion 10.36 Aqu. Chamomillae etc. 10.37 Euphrasia officinalis 10.38 Natural toothpaste 10.39 Sneezing powder 10.40 Nose rinses 10.41 Nose reflex therapy 10.42 Ear coning 10.43 Throat wrap 10.44 Vaginal discharge 10.45 Flor.Chamomillae etc. MENSTRUATION Emmenagoga 10.46 Combating cold feet 10.47 Enema's or magnesium sulphate 10.48 Pressure point massage 10.49 Herb. Gratiolae 10.50 Ol.Hyperici (St. John's Wort oil) 10.51 Rosemary etheric oil 10.52 Yi Mu Cao Gao CHAPTER 11. BEAUTÉ VITALE 110 MAIN TEXT Self diagnosis CASE HISTORIES Optimal Vitality Care 11.1 Seborrhoea 11.2 Cellulite 11.3 Ageing skin 11.4 Old age or liver freckles 11.5 Overweight 11.6 Sun bathing 11.7 Lymph drainage of the face 11.8 Biological cosmetics CHAPTER 12. CHRONIC DISEASE 117 MAIN TEXT CASE HISTORY Optimal Vitality Care 12.1 Therapy of chronic disease OVC Optimaal Vitaal CHAPTER 13. BODY/MIND & SPIRIT 125 MAIN TEXT THE MIND EMOTIONAL SELF-INTEGRATION FROM THE PRACTICE OUR TWOFOLD ORIGIN SPIRITUAL PRACTICE HEAVEN & EARTH EXERCISES CELEBRATION Optimal Body/Mind & Spirit Care 13.1 Prayer" 13.2 Terminology" 13.3 Relaxation 13.4 Mental clean-up 13.5 Feeling awareness 13.6 Self-acceptance 13.7 Primal anger (Urwut") 13.8 Inner renewal 13.9 Taoist breathing 13.10 Pulsing 13.11 R/ Ol. Hyperici 13.12 Sleeping well 13.13 R/ l -Ornithine 500 mg/Melatonin 1 mg/ Tinct. Valeriana CHAPTER 14.THE ENVIRONMENT 155 MAIN TEXT CASE HISTORIES NATURAL HOME PHARMACY EFFECTS OF ELECTRO-MAGNETIC POLLUTION CHAPTER 15. THE NEW HEALTH CARE 164 MAIN TEXT WORLD HEALTH PLAN (WHP) APPENDIX 5: BIBLIOGRAPHY 206 Exerpt of the original book (210 pages). Disclaimer of Liability: VitalWorld.org/Flow System Therapy is an educational resource designed to inform the patient about alternatives to traditional medical procedures. It is a system to promote health through optimizing basic metabolic functions. It is not aiming at curing disease. The ideas presented at FreeWHC/Flow System Therapy are progressive and disputed by mainstream medical professionals. No doctor-patient relationship is established solely by the visitor's review of FreeWHC/Flow System Therapy or resources purchased at FreeWHC, and Dr. H.Stiekema expressly disclaims all liability arising out of the improper use of information provided. Please consult your treating physician or other medical professional regarding these important health issues. Latest updating: 08/10/12 |
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