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Chapter 5.
DIGESTION Criteria of a healthy digestion Actual eating habits: optimal digestibility, like the right amount (not too much), main meal at lunchtime, raw food as starter, dinner light, minimized and as early as possible, separation of carbohydrates and proteins, no baking and frying of carbohydrates, chewing well, simple menus, absence of complaints like bloated belly, constipation, food-intolerance. Healthy body shape. What can go wrong Distention of the stomach. Dislocation of e.g. hypotonic abdominal pack and colon, constipation. Chronic indigestion with deficiencies, gas or/and self-poisoning, food-intolerance, allergy, hypoglycemia, candida, parasites. Irritable colon, Crohns disease and countless other consequences. The five pathological bodily postures. Only that which is digested properly, will benefit you". And: a quarter of what you eat is what you live on, the other three quarters is what physicians live on", a text written on a Egyptian papyrus dating back three and a half thousand years. In my practice, too, there have been many cases which showed, that eating-habits like over-eating, gulping down food, eating the wrong things at the wrong time etc., have an enormous impact on one's health. If we do not take care, our digestive capacity may be deregulated for a long period of time.The results are often: fatigue or insufficiency of the digestion in particular of the pancreas, digestive upsets as a consequence of fermentation of carbohydrates and rotting of proteins, weakening or distention of the digestive organs, of the stomach, intestines and colon, often in such a way that the entire intestinal load lies heavily on the bottom of the pelvis, disturbances of the intestinal functions like pH and intestinal flora, poor intake with deficiencies, shortage of vitamins, minerals and trace-elements in particular; contamination with fungi, candida, parasites, bacteria or viruses with or without constipation, together with self-poisoning, infections and inflammations.The result is a vicious circle of poor absorption of nutrients and self-poisoning from the bowel. This combination - the simultaneous effect of poisoning and undernourishment of the cells - is one of the major causes of the development of not only indigestion, food-intolerance, allergy, hypoglycemia, but of chronic diseases like migraine, rheumatism, osteoporosis, asthma, eczema, high blood-pressure, cancer, dementia and many others as well. It is a typical example of how specific illnesses" are in fact primarily caused by a common basic denominator. The largest part of humanity is
starving with hunger Individual digestibility is thus of major concern. If the nutrition is not or badly adapted, then chronic indigestion can be caused or maintained, with all further consequences. Hence, nutrition and eating habits are equally important. In daily practice I see quite some deteriorations in the transition from the common to a healthy nutritional pattern. Sourdough bread for example, is much more difficult to digest than white bread. If becoming victim" of indigestion, it will produce many more poisons as white bread or e.g. rice would do. Therefore, already in the sixties, when macrobiotics" used to be very popular with its excess of heavy (acid!) grains and beans, we made jokes about the unhealthy appearances of those visiting health food stores. Their unhealthy faces were the result of chronic indigestion! Hence, the transfer needs to be done carefully and intelligently. Usually bowel cleansing and two or three fasting days e.g. on grape fruit juice, are taken before you start the new diet. A further concern is the decline of the quality of digestion in countless civilized" populations over the years. This also has to be taken into account. What could be easily digested only twenty years ago, now proves to be a major obstacle. Nowadays recommendations like a sober meal and a right" food combination - fit for life" - seem to be more and more crucial, while ten years ago it was still not necessary. However, in recent years another shift had to be made. The fit for life fruits only" regimen is causing fermentation and candida in an increasing number of people! The general advice is to eat much less, usually half of what you are used to, enjoying your meals, chewing very thoroughly, eating fruits only" in the morning until lunch time, unless you have fermentation or bloated belly, keeping your meals as simple as possible, taking your main meal - with regard to quantity! - and proteins at lunch time and eat early e.g. at 6 pm. At the end of the day, both you and your digestive system are tired, hence dinner should be very limited and light, otherwise indigestion with self-pollution will occur during the night. It will be clear, that many of todays eating habits need a great deal of improvement. One major concern among others, is the time pressure certain groups have at lunch time, e.g. children, teachers, managers, nurses and other workers. Note: both Dr. Hay (USA) and Dr. Walb (Trennkost", Germany) have laid the foundation of what later was called fit for life". Its hypothesis is, that when proteins and carbohydrates are eaten together - because of the long time the stomach will spend on protein-digestion - the carbohydrates will stay there unprocessed for too long a time. They then may easily turn into fermentation. Hence, people with chronic indigestion - burps, heart burn, bloated belly, winds - should consider separation of proteins and carbohydrates in their meals. If it is not that worse", at least eat your carbohydrates - in the same meal - always before the proteins. See our Personal Health Plan" with all the details. A CASE HISTORY I remember a 9-year old girl, who suffered from epilepsy. After talking to her parents and examining her, it became clear, that as an infant she had been over-fed, be it, however, with a surplus of only 50 cc per bottle. The parents had been very anxious to see to it, that she received enough and had gone to great lengths to have her keep down" the prescribed amount. The child, however, had often not kept down the food. At the time, nobody had been aware of the fact that not keeping it down" usually indicates a surplus. Rather, it was sooner thought, that this pointed to a problem arising from a disturbance in the parent-child relationship. To the effect, that they resorted to psychological help. The above is a good example of being out of touch with what is simple and obvious. Over-feeding - even as little as 50 cc per bottle - may after a few weeks lead to an overburdening and -stretching (dilatation) of the stomach. The child throwing up the surplus is considered to be very amusing, as Americas Funniest Home Videos" TV Program recently showed the public in tens of different cases. All these babies were spewing up in most unexpected and funny" ways. Everybody was rocking with laughter. Nobody understands the too much that have been imposed on the baby, something the poor baby desperately" wants to get rid of. After a few months though, the infant will keep down the food, the stomach by then having sufficiently distended and able to keep the surplus of milk inside. Everyone is then relieved, except for the stomach experiencing its first stage towards chronic indigestion. The stomach then becomes chronically over-burdened, the infant is eating fantastically and is growing well, and even will gain overweight. A few years later, however, the effects of a poor pre-digestion will crop up. It will become visible through frequently occurring infections and inflammations such as common colds, throat- and ear-infections and bronchitis, all of which are the result of self-poisoning - chronic indigestion - and the body's attempts to eliminate these toxins by means of the mucous membranes. As you will remember, these are the emergency valves (elimination phase) and inflammations (reaction phase) due to the strategic self-maintenance of the body. Very often the following is the case. Once the child enters the age of growing into length - around six to seven years - the overburdened digestive system will show its first collapse". It cannot cope with the surplus anymore. The absorption of nutrients is suffering a major setback. The child is still eating - often enormous amounts of - food, now however without the corresponding increase in weight. The irony is, that it stopped gaining weight because of overeating! (Continued) At six years of age, the above mentioned child was still eating quite well, but 'stopped gaining'. A year later, it even began to lose weight in spite - because! - of the large intake of food. The following year, it began to suffer from epileptic seizures. Examination showed an extreme distention of the stomach - its lower boundary normally situating two fingers above the navel, which in her case extended to two fingers below - a sign of severe digestive upset. It immediately became clear, what had been going on over the past years. The girl lost weight precisely because she ate too much! Over-eating leads to the overburdening of the bowels and to indigestion. Chronic indigestion leads to a deficiency - not everything is fully absorbed any more - which in turn leads to a chronic sense of hunger. The cells are sending alarm-signals to the brain, through which the hunger and hence the over-eating becomes permanent, whereby you have come full circle. A probing of her past furthermore showed, that her delivery might have taken too much time, with as a consequence lack of oxygen with minimal brain damage. The self-poisoning - poisons reaching every corner of the body via the bloodcirculation - manifested itself precisely there, where other causes had created a weak spot. Toxins are irritating those particular brain cells, with as a consequence over-activation and finally epilepsy. This explains, why the same" self-poisoning has different targets", since it depends on the biography of the patient, where he or she has her weaker points! Should she e.g. at early childhood repeatedly have been subjected to draught, the same self-poisoning might have led to chronic bronchitis or asthma. If there is a hereditary overburdening of (uric) acids in the family, the child might be prone to rheumatism. The final diagnosis was: distention of the stomach, chronic indigestion and re-entering of poisons from the bowel into the bloodcirculation, with as a result irritation and over-activation of a weak spot in the brain, due to a minimal brain lesion. Through the treatment, consisting of exclusively treating the distention of the stomach, through vomiting, frequent small meals rather than big ones, stopping drinking milk, too hot, too cold and carbonated beverages, bitter herb therapy, green clay, simple yoga-exercise and abdominal massage, the epilepsy" was cured within a month, with no recurrences in the years after.Which proved that - in this case - the minimal brain lesion was not able to produce any symptoms of itself. A CASE HISTORY A 28-year old woman came to me complaining of heartburn, burps and sour regurgitations from the stomach. She had repeatedly consulted her family doctor, who had prescribed heart-burn tablets. Her condition had not improved, however. Upon examining her, I discovered a 'distended stomach'. When there is a weakening of the stomach-muscle and thus reduction of gastric juice, the stomach no longer digests optimally, with as a result rotting and/or fermentation. This in turn leads to high acidity" - fermentation-acid, not gastric acid! - and gas. The irony is, that the fermentation acid is due to a lack of the real one, the original gastric acid. In diagnosing heart-burn - a surplus of gastric juice" - it is therefore crucial to determine which gastric juice" is in surplus. If the real gastric juice is neutralised (by heart-burn tablets), as was the case in her former treatments, there will be even less stomach-activity than before, with as a result an increase in fermentation and thus fermentation-acid. A vicious circle indeed! Rather than neutralizing" the stomach - and there were hundreds of similar cases in my practice - stomach secretions should become activated. Following a one time vomiting-cure, together with the intake of clay, bitter-remedies, a change of eating-habits, separation of carbohydrates and proteins, and some simple yoga exercises, her complaints were altogether put to an end. A common reaction to the above story is: Well at least my stomach is okay. I have an iron stomach, I can eat anything. A soup, a sandwich, a glass of sherry, then some fish, a pastry, fruits, meat in sauce, French fries, a dessert, you name it, everything goes smooth down under. No problem. I only often feel tired after the meal. But after a healthy" (...) nap everything is fine again". If somebody says something like this, I am almost sure there is something wrong. After physical examination I very often find an (extreme) dilated stomach. Such a stomach isnt strong at all, but - because of its distention - simply doesnt have the power to react to something bad, to the too much anymore. It has become mute. It is another example of the fact, that illness and having symptoms are not synonymous. A stomach like this is a silent time-bomb with ongoing self-poisoning. Sooner or later one may have to face the consequences. The fatigue after the meal is a serious sign, that one has been eating too much. A disproportionate amount of energy is needed to cope with the overload of food. Imagine: twenty or more years of eating too much, every meal, every day, every week etc. Not surprisingly though, that your digestive system gets more and more exhausted. Hence a dilated stomach, a chronic shortage of gastric juice (hypochlorhydria) and pancreatic deficiency go hand in hand. Especially overconsumption of (animal) protein may be responsible for the condition. Overeating, eating the wrong things at the wrong time, stress and environmental pollution constitute the main factors of malabsorption in people. The irony is, that through affluence we have been creating deficiencies. The experiences with iridology - the diagnosis via the iris of the eye - have shed a new light on the situation. With regular methods and techniques, the function of the pancreas is difficult to examine. Only tests like bloodsugar, amylase-test, echography and scanning can give us some impression of its performance. Its digestive power however, the secretion of digestive enzymes which are determining the quality of our absorption a great deal, remain largely hidden. Iridology however, does give us a much more detailed impression about the function and the possible damage of the pancreas. Based upon this, it has become clear, that apart from above mentioned causes, especially the overeating of cheese, the drinking of coffee, tea and other stimulants - alcohol of course, which was already known - stress, toxic and electromagnetic pollution, are major determinants of pancreas overstimulation. Initially the pancreas will perform better - due to the stimulation" - until the moment, that it cannot cope with it any more. Then it - sometimes dramatically - changes into the opposite, a pancreatic insufficiency. Chronic pancreatic insufficiency, together with its consequences - nutritional and immune-deficiency - are alarmingly common nowadays. In the beginning many of my patients are
showing difficulty in facing reality. They feel overwhelmed by so much worrying
information. However, once having understood the logic of the flow system, Additionally, through baking and frying of carbohydrates, fermentation could occur. In the baking process, the fat penetrates a.o. pasta, pizza, potatoes, chips, rice, corn, pancake, pastries, pies, cake, cookies etc. in such a way, that countless minuscule particles of carbohydrates, surrounded by fat are formed. These fat-carbohydrate balls will pass the saliva barrier unhindered, since the saliva does not possess any fat-solving ability. It means, that the carbohydrate, hidden in the fat, cannot be pre-digested, which normally should be the case. The carbohydrates therefore will reach the intestines unprocessed. Only after the lipases - the fat digestive enzymes - have dissolved the fatty surface of the small balls, the digestion of the carbohydrates can take place. The intestines though, are not used" to find unprocessed carbohydrates, the reason why in some - many - cases, fermentation and subsequently self-poisoning, occurs. If repeatedly after eating baked and fried carbohydrates, a bloated belly with gas comes up, you may think of the possibility of fermentation. Moreover, because of the thin fat-films, the small carbohydrate balls will have a much greater surface, than normally would have been the case. Because of the enlarged surface of the starch, the intestines have to spend more enzymes to digest it, while the pancreas has to spend much more insulin to bring the glucose to the cells. Insulin-overproduction will be the consequence. In the beginning this shouldnt be a problem. After many years it might become one in the sense, that the pancreas gets exhausted. A shortage of insulin might occur. With as a consequence a response of the adrenal cortex, releasing adrenalin and corticosteroids to compensate the low blood glucose. Which in the long run in its turn may lead to adrenal exhaustion. Several vicious circles at work simultaneously! The underlying condition: too high and then too low blood-sugars is called hypoglycemia. Many of us are suffering from it. It is a.o. related to the so-called glycemic index. This is a measure for the turn-over of starch into glucose and the amount of insulin involved. Insulin is needed for bringing sugar (glucose) to the cells. Through the intake of fried and baked starch, you may therefore be moving in the direction of an insulin insufficiency. If less insulin is produced, blood glucose may rise, which subsequently is stored as fat. You are then pre-disposed to gain weight. In this case, the solution is to stop eating baked and fried carbohydrates. The mucous membranes of the intestines very much resemble the anatomy and function of the roots of plants. Located inside the intestines are the so-called villi", millions of small roots, having their ends in the lumen, the inside of the bowel, and therefore permanently in the food-mass. It is similar to plant roots, having their tentacles permanently in the earth. Both have layers of symbiotic beneficial bacteria in, on and around them. The function of these bacteria is manifold. They help in breaking down organic material" into its smaller compounds, making them suitable for absorption. They create an optimal chemical (pH) environment, both in the earth as in the bowel. Lactic acid bacteria are responsible for that. In doing so, they prevent all kinds of other organisms - like candida and other fungi - to grow excessively. They may produce vitamins and antibiotic-like substances. Above all, because of the intimate connection to the immune-system - 70% of our immune-system is located around the intestines - they considerably support our resistance, the bodys natural healing power. However, they are very vulnerable towards all kinds of toxins, electro-magnetic pollution and especially anti-biotics. After anti-biotic treatment, much of the intestinal flora even may be completely destroyed. It is an important reason, a.o., not to give anti-biotics in situations, where they are not really needed. To make it clear, these are most of the cases. Usually, it will take quite some time to have the flora regenerated. Pro-biotics, mixtures of various beneficial bacteria, therefore are gaining increasing significance. Acidophylus, bifidus, short chain streptococcus and coli are among the most popular". Especially a small ecology", those remedies consisting of just more than one or two varieties, are recommended here (e.g. Lacticol from Spain). The hypothesis that the bowels - the bowels harbour death" - are mainly responsible - of course we ourselves are, though our eating habits - for most of the chronic diseases, has proven itself over and over again in my practice. The poisons caused by indigestion are, among many others, putricine, phenol, scatol, cadaverine, nitrosamine, formaldehyde and alcohol. If emerging in a bowel, which increasingly looses function, e.g. has turned from a vital bowel into a distended, hypotonic, even a complete atrophic one, then a 24-hour self-poisoning is unavoidable. Once returned into the blood, these substances are damaging the cells, the liver, the blood, the immune-system, the nervous system and are often mutagene, that means contributing to the origination of cancer1. Usually the above mentioned degeneration of the bowel follows a certain sequence. Irritable substances, overeating etc. are turning a vital bowel into an irritable one, a so-called irritable colon". After many years, the body cannot maintain the excessive input of energy, needed for permanent constriction, hence this condition turning into its opposite, the hypotonic bowel, finally - mostly at older age - resulting in the atrophic variety. Secondary effects may appear. The excessive growth of yeast, also called candida, is one of them. This in turm - in combination with a hypotonic bowel - may invade and cause damage to the mucous membrane of the intestines, to such an extent, that small holes" are formed. The result is a leaky gut", in which larger particles of protein - which normally do not pass the intestinal wall - may pass the intestinal barrier entering the bloodstream. As antigens they cause a fierce immune-response, very soon leading to some form of allergy or (in the long run) to auto-immune disorders. Apart from the latter, improving or curing these conditions and the diseases related to them, is actually quite simple. Namely by exclusively treating the bowels in the case of a variety of diseases - candida, migraine, Menière's disease, circulatory disorders, asthma, rheumatism and osteoporosis, psoriasis, gall-bladder infections, sinusitis, Pap 3 and so on - and subsequently observing how this affects the disease. These treatments could include - apart from readjusting the nutrition and the eating habits - bowel cleansing, bitter herbs, green clay and vitamin C powder, digestive enzymes, improving the intestinal flora by pro-biotics, anti-oxidants, abdominal massage and yoga exercises to tackle the distention of the bowel, together with breathing and fitness exercises. This book provides you with extensive information about self-help techniques. There are some 183 of them! See also the chapter on Elimination". Another example is migraine, a disease very commonly caused by intestinal self-poisoning. Instead of considering nausea - which often occurs at he beginning of the fit - as a symptom of migraine, the migraine should be considered a symptom of intestinal self-poisoning. This is proved by the fact, that if at the very onset of the migraine, we manage to empty the bowel - via vomiting, a laxative or green clay - the initial fit will be often brought to a halt. In the initial stages, the irritation of the toxins causes contraction of the bloodvessels in the brain, a stage in which there is not yet pain. If this goes on for a longer time, the body doesnt have enough energy to maintain the contraction anymore, which then turns into its opposite, the dilatation, the paralysis of the bloodvessels. This is the stage of the pain, the reason why once in this stage, almost nothing helps anymore. Paralysed bloodvessels are very difficult to influence. In some cases however, it sometimes helps drinking a cup of coffee. While in the first stages, this would only accelerate the irritation and therefore the chance of getting the fit, it here might help you, since through the massive intake of acids - which coffee is - the bloodvessels are contracting again. In 70% of the cases, migraine can easily be cured by changing food habits, a clean up of the bowels and the avoidance of harmful influences from the environment. The rest consists of stress and so-called foci: usually chronic symptomless disorders, like chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, inflammations of the teeth, dislocation of the wisdom teeth and/or amalgam. Note: Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) is also called: a migraine down under". Its basic mechanism is exactly the same as that of migraine. Once seeing the interrelationship of phenomena, many otherwise isolated" facts suddenly become transparent! By the way food-intolerance or allergy may worsen your migraine or PMS. A common symptom for instance is intensifying of your menstrual pain and bodily cold after eating something wrong. Note: allopathic migraine medicines work" through narrowing the bloodvessels, not only of your brain, but of your entire body. Hence, possible side-effects are high bloodpressure, heart-attacks and strokes. It may be wise not to use them. Our basic health can be taken care of by
ourselves: self care. If insufficient, we rely on professional assistance, first of all Self-diagnosis 1 Weak, distended, heavy and ptotic (sagged) bowels are the rule, rather than the exceptions nowadays. Unlike ancient statues, with their admirable perfection, our bellies often are blown up (gas) or lie as a pack down in the pelvic area (see fig. 1) exerting pressure on the lower abdominal organs, a situation comparable to pregnancy. The shape of your belly thus telling you what may be wrong. So stand naked in front of your mirror, relax your stomach and admire your posture (see fig. 7). In case of a gas-belly - with its protrusion just under the chest - you may have fermentation of carbohydrates. Fermentation gas goes up. In case of a sagged belly - with its protrusion down under - you may have protein rotting - substance is pulled down by gravity - while in case of a drum belly, you may suffer from both conditions. The possible consequences of a gas belly are described under heart attack"2, while the sagged belly may be responsible for constipation (hypotonic bowel), a prolapse of the uterus (pressure from the distended bowel-pack), problems with urination, incontinence (ditto), pressure on pelvic bloodcirculation with haemorrhoids (ditto), pressure and infection of the epididymis (ditto), prostate-enlargement (slowing down of circulation with deposits of collagen), damming up of the blood reflux from the legs back into the abdomen with varicose veins, crural ulcer and finally lower back pain (pull from the heavy belly). After what you have read, are you yourself able to figure out these connections? Thus, if all these cases just mentioned, are accompanied by distended bowels - which is not always the case - then measures which do not simultaneously treat the ptotic abdominal pack, will only have limited success or none at all! You may thus have to get used to the fact, that in such cases the appropriate treatment for e.g. a prolapse of the uterus is a bowel cleansing-cure3 ! OPTIMAL VITALITY CARE CLEANSING Chronic indigestion can be very stubborn. It is really important to regularly and thoroughly cleanse the intestines. In other cultures and formerly in ours too, this was (is) quite common. In Indonesia many a family uses a laxative (castor oil) once a month as a preventive cure. On Curaçao too, this is a well-known custom. Development" has unfortunately led to the disuse of many traditions. Our modern" life-style though has made daily cleansing and refreshing" (beyond that of our car) vitally important. In this chapter are outlined precisely those methods, which may easily be integrated into our daily life. For the extensive" intestinal cleansing, see the section on Elimination". 5.1 Cleansing In the transition period towards a healthy lifestyle, you start with one or more days bowel cleansing. This in order to avoid the existing indigestion to undermine your future efforts. Take magnesium sulphate, followed by two or three days of grapefruit juice so as to unburden the stomach for a while and giving it a chance to recuperate. Refrain from eating altogether and limit yourself to juice only, i.e. juice free of sugar. See also under Nutrition". 5.2 R/ Magnesium Sulphate S. 1 ½ -2 levels spoonful (22-30 gr.) thoroughly mixed in a glass of lukewarm water (250-300cc) quickly drunk, half an hour before going to sleep. 5.3 R/ Castor oil S. 1 teaspoonful. Cut back the amount in the case of stomach cramps, increase the amount if there are no results. To be taken in the morning before breakfast. A castor oil pack - according to Dr. Edgar Cayce - is said to be beneficial to a lot of disorders, e.g. hypotonic bowel, constipation, self-poisoning from the bowel, an overburdened liver and many more. It promotes digestion, absorption and blood-circulation. The technique is similar to a normal pack, using a cloth, a (larger) piece of plastic, a hot water bottle, a large towel, some safety pins and of course the castor oil. Put on your abdomen the cloth saturated with castor oil, then the plastic, the hot water bottle, wrap a towel around the pack and secure it with safety pins. It will stay there for about an hour. The pack is suitable for reuse. To be done every day for two or three weeks. 5.4 R/ Fol. Sennae S. Laxative tea. One cup to be taken in the evening. Note: Use a laxative two or three days a month (weekend) only. For women preferably just prior to menstruation. Laxatives are not recommended in (the first four months of) pregnancy. 5.5 Green clay Clay binds and neutralizes toxins and hence prevents fermentation. It kills fungi, bacteria and parasites. Add a dessert-spoon to a glass of water and mix well with (optional) a dash of whey. Use over the course of a day. In case of constipation take vitamin C powder, half a teaspoon in apple juice. Or otherwise cut back on the amount of the clay or leave it out altogether. May also be helpful in cases of (severe) vomiting (seldom). In such cases combine with the use of a warm water-bottle on the upper abdomen and the intake of a small teaspoonful of pure St. John's Wort oil (also see the section on Elimination"). A clay cure is a cornerstone of flow system therapy for several reasons. Its application is world-wide. Indigenous peoples use it - like a famous tribe in Transkei, South Africa - while it also found its way into the mainstream of traditional systems of medicine, both in the West (Germany, France) and in India for instance. It is cheap and can be found everywhere. The most important characteristic though is its broad indication. First it is used externally in case of wounds, ulcers, inflammations, distortions and skin problems. For instance, in case of a bee or wasp bite, immediately take some clay or earth from a flower vase, mix it with saliva and put it on the bite. Mostly it wont swell, nor will it become red or causing any pain! Wild animals very often seek clay baths for their injured extremities. However, clay is also used internally. The variety of clay used for this purpose, is usually dug up from deeper layers of the earth. The advantage is, that it is sterile, neither contaminated by micro-organisms nor by toxins. The varieties come as green, white, yellow, brown and black clay. Green clay - argyle" - enjoys great popularity in Europe. Clay mainly consists of alu-silicium compounds. Its healing power goes far beyond its chemical formula though. One common denominator of its effect is its absorbing power. Hence indigenous people - and not only they - use it for neutralizing infections of the bowel. Clay has an definite beneficial effect on all conditions related to indigestion: the indigestion itself, the gas produced, self-poisoning from ones own bowel, fungi like candida, pathogen bacteria, viruses and parasites, intestinal allergies, inflammations like colitis and even auto-immune diseases. Clay may be a first choice in environmental pollution, immune-deficiency and in chronic disease as well. There are increasing reports of very successful treatments in many of these conditions. Its absorbing power is considered to be so strong, that toxins from other parts of the body find their way to the clay. Hence parrots in areas of South America eat it regularly in order to detoxify their bowels! In practice it means, that you could try clay in most conditions described here in this book. Logically, optimal excretion of the clay from the bowel is of main importance. Usually vitamin C powder is taken simultaneously. In case of an already existing constipation, one has to be careful. If the vitamin C is not working, try a mild laxative or drink only clay water, while the clay itself remains at the bottom of the glass. You mix the clay with cold water, which then stands for some hours in the glass, preferably in the sun. Dont use a metal spoon, for this could paralyse" the effect of the clay. Usually, as in our Personal Health Plan, the dosage is one to three teaspoons a day. After one month you stop for one week, then start again, always alternating. Needless to say, that clay could be a major remedy for poor people. Hence we are promoting it in our World Health Plan package4 . Note: the combination of clay and paraffin oil is contra-indicated, since it may cause hard clots in the bowel. EATING HABITS 5.6 Eating habits By over-eating, the eating of difficult to digest foods, eating when tired, having our evening meal at a late hour, gulping down food and eating the wrong combinations, our digestive capacity is overburdened. The first step towards becoming healthy is therefore to go easy on the bowels, a.o. by changing our eating-habits. Usually two thirds or even half of the amount of food suffices. Keep meals simple, since our digestion cannot cope with too many different substances. Note: put in a glass bowel everything you eat in one meal, from the entry, the soup, the various courses, the dessert and the drinks. Mix it, look at it and then realize that this is what your stomach has to digest (every day). Food should be chewed very well and slowly, eaten in small quantities. Children should - as a rule - not be forced to eat. You should refrain from drinking during meals, since this dilutes the digestive juices. Food and beverages should neither be too hot nor too cold. Milk, as well as fruit- and vegetable juices, should thoroughly be mixed with saliva (chewing"), it should be sipped, rather than taken in gulps. Milk is not a necessity for adults. The main meal should preferably be taken at lunch time. Even severe disorders have been improved by just taking the main meal like this. In the evening you are tired, so your digestion is. Taking your main meal in the evening is therefore a guarantee for a life-long indigestion with all its consequences. Moreover, the burning of nutrients is very low during the night. What cannot be properly burned will be stored as fat. Having your main meal at night-time is responsible for quite some overweight. Evening meals should therefore be taken as early as possible - prior to 6 p.m. - and should be small. Heavy foods are to be avoided, while an increasing number of people might find separation of carbohydrates and proteins a solution to their indigestion problems. If you dont want (or need) to go that far, you might pay attention to the sequence of the intake. It could be important. Always eat a raw mixed salad first, then the cooked stuff. Carbohydrates should come first, to be followed by the proteins. For instance, if you eat chicken fried rice, it would be wise to separate the rice from the chicken, eating the rice first and then the chicken. The reason is that, if protein is eaten first, or mixed with carbohydrates, the chance that the carbohydrates will stay too long in the stomach, with every possibility of fermenting, is really very big. The usage of soup is that of an appetizer. A (very) small cup of a stimulating brew can work out favorably, while a big cup with an undefinable mixture only binds the digestive fluids necessary to digest what comes next. It was for this reason, that in certain regions of the Dutch countryside, soup used to be taken not before but after the meal. Overeating - too much intake - simply means too much waste 5.7 R/ Fruct. Carvi S. Four winds tea": equal parts of caraway, fennel, peppermint and camomile, for the combating of indigestion and especially gas-formation. 1-2 teaspoonfuls to 1 cup. Brew for 8-10 minutes and take warm and in sips. 3-4 cups a day. TONIFICATION The distended stomach cure" A distended stomach" is very often the underlying disorder in many different diseases. Therefore my rule": if in whatever! disease you find a distended stomach, this should be the first thing to be treated. Over-feeding, often developed in infancy, but also in people who (have to) gulp down their food, like schoolchildren and nurses, may weaken the stomach-wall, which in turn may lead to a strong reduction of the mechanical pre-digestion and gastric-juice production. Shortage of gastric juice in turn may cause chronic indigestion, a vicious circle indeed. Moreover, without sufficient HCl production the alkaline-buffer of the blood is depleted, which leads to a poor de-acidification of the tissues. The explanation is, that if the blood is giving" HCl to the stomach, the blood itself becomes more alkaline. Alkaline blood" in its turn circulate as body fluid through the tissues and sweeps acids out of them. Hypochlorhydria - shortage of HCl-production in the stomach - thus leads to over-acidification of the tissues with its related disorders like slagging of the connective tissue, poor permeability both for nutrients and waste products5, poor oxygenation of the cells, local acidosis, angina pectoris, rheumatism, heart attacks etc. Moreover, alkaline blood also provides quite a lot of bodily juices" with alkaline, like saliva, intestinal, liver and pancreatic juices. Hence, proper HCl production of the stomach is a conditio sine qua non" for the functioning of the entire digestive system. A poor performance though affects the entire digestion, with all its effects, such as self-poisoning and many chronic diseases. With regard to the stomach the so-called medical percussion" technique - a common part of medical examination - can help to easily and quickly diagnose a possible dilatation". The under limit of this hollow organ should not be lower than two fingers above the navel. Very often this line is lowered though, sometimes even reaching the lower pelvis. For further diagnostics a gastro-pill" can be taken to measure the content of HCl. If enough HCl is available it breaks down the coating of the pill releasing methylen-blue. The pill is then excreted by the bowel. In practice burps, heartburn, a bloated belly and the no-problem" stomach as mentioned above in the case histories, already give strong indications for a overburdened stomach. The cure consists of a.o. retching, vomiting, eating habits, bitter-herbs, physical exertion and yoga exercises. 5.8 Separation of carbohydrates and proteins Four to five small meals a day, rather than three big ones. Separation of carbohydrates and proteins. If eaten together, the carbohydrates will stay unprocessed in the stomach for too long a time, where they start fermenting. Hence, dont eat bread, potatoes, cereals like rice, corn, rye, barley, manioc, pasta etc. with meat, fish, eggs, cheese and tofu in one meal. Since proteins need more time for digestion, I recommend a vegetable/protein combination for lunch and a vegetable/carbohydrate meal for supper. See Appendix II Personal Health Plan" and III Vitality Food Recipes". 5.9 Not baking and frying of carbohydrates If after separation of carbohydrates and proteins a bloated belly remains. To prevent and cure fermentation. 5.10 Retching A highly recommended method for stimulating the digestion in the stomach. Through anti-peristaltic movement of the stomach wall, fortifying (toning) of the muscles and stimulation of gastric juice-production occurs. It is improving blood-flow through the upper-abdominal organs, hence improvement of the digestion, cleansing and stress-reduction of pancreas, liver and bile ducts, intestine and colon as well. It is part of some body-oriented psychotherapies, since it is effective as an emotional release too. Method: lie or sit down and relax your body. Place a finger down your throat, touching the uvula. Retch without going as far as vomiting. Do this a few times in a row, ten to twenty times in all, during two weekly sessions over the course of a month. 5.11 Vomiting cure It is the best and most drastic method for emptying the stomach and strengthening the stomach-muscle. To be done only once. In the evening two hours after dinner - your chance of eating something bad" - take a glass of lukewarm water in which has been dissolved one spoonful - of a size between that of a teaspoon and a dessertspoon - of sugar, the same amount of salt and a tiny dash of vinegar. Once you start becoming dizzy" and nauseous", place a finger down your throat for as many times as you can and vomit down to the bottom". The next day - if possible - live on grapefruit juice or (a little) fruit mixed with soft yoghurt. Note: Not for those who 1) have a fear of vomiting 2) are incapable" of vomiting 3) with a sensitive stomach 4) have suffered from gastritis, an ulcer or stomach bleeding or any other severe stomach disorder 5) acute pancreatic insufficiency 6) with high blood-pressure and arteriosclerosis 6) who have reached old-age 7) who are not open to it. One may never be forced into doing it! 5.12 Bitter herbs Bitter is good for the stomach". Bitter-remedies strengthen the stomach lining, promote stomach-secretion and therefore combat indigestion. Well-known remedies are: centaury, gentian (root), absinthe, sweet sedge and angelica. So as to protect the stomach lining, remedies containing (slime) are recommended such as Islandic moss, line-seed or oats extract and sometimes warm milk. Best is to take your slime in the morning, while during the rest of the day 3 cups of bitter tea/pills or drops are taken, always half an hour before meals. Note: Bitter-remedies should never be taken in cases with irritated/inflamed stomach lining or a surplus of gastric juice, unless you are absolutely certain it concerns fermentation acid. Although not belonging to the bitter-remedies, the intake of small amounts of NH4Cl (ammonium chloride) is also promoting HCl production in the stomach. NB. Never combine this with alkaline (SoBiC). 5.13 R/ Extr. Centaurii M.f.pil nr. 200 S. In cases of distended stomach, indigestion, belching, fermentation in the stomach, gas-formation. Three tablets to be taken three times a day before meals. Besides this, a number of excellent bitter-remedies are on the market. 5.14 R/ Linseed slime S. In cases with sensitive stomach-lining or gastritis. One full tablespoon of linseed added to 1/4 liter of water and left overnight. The linseed slime should be seperated from the seeds and taken the following morning. Note: May also be cooked and sieved. 5.15 Pressure point massage (see fig. 3) This has an intense reflex effect on the stomach. It is best to lie down with the knees slightly raised and a pillow under the hollow of the knees. Relax and tune in to your breathing. Then use four fingers - one of which does the massaging - and with a slightly rotating movement, massage around the lowest ridge of the rib cage (thorax), starting 1 cm left from the center (xiphoid). Massage on the bone, at the inside of the rib. The circular movements of the massage are very small. Use 1 minute per point. Then you move to the next point. Any point next to the previous one. Points may hurt a little. Therefore rub softly afterwards. It may be uncomfortable, but should not be (lastingly) painful. Should it be though, then next time go slow on the massage. Three times a week is sufficient. Reflex-massages have a manifold effect. They are activating, supporting, they promote the blood-circulation and also have a calming effect. Nearly all reflex-massages affect the periosteum - a very sensitive tissue filled with nerves - and influence your entire constitution via the nervous system. The above-mentioned pressure point massage is a good example of this. 5.16 Segment-massage (see fig. 3) A self-help method with an in-depth effect. There where your ribs are joined to your breast-bone you will feel hollows. These are the ends of the grooves between your ribs. Place a finger on the spots where these grooves end (against your breast-bone) and massage, with very slight rotational movements and light pressure, this time not exceeding the pain-threshold, the upper and subsequently the lower part of the nearest rib. You may work on the left and right simultaneously. The massage especially affects the upper-abdominal organs: the stomach, duodenum, colon, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. To be done regularly, preferably once a week (preventive) or more frequently. In the case of disorders for instance, twice a week over the course of two months. 5.17 Nauli/Udhyana banda exercise These are two yoga exercises. They promote the strengthening and lifting" of weakened abdominal organs and are an absolute must, since few methods equal their effectiveness. You are advised to do these under the guidance of a yoga teacher. TONIFICATION OF THE ENTIRE BELLY Self-diagnosis 2 The shape of the belly, the location of its content and the subsequent bodily position are great indicators of health. Regular medical diagnostics appear to be rather primitive compared to the knowledge Dr. F.X.Mayr, a unique Austrian physician, has left us. It is one of the most useful things of biological medicine (see fig. 7). Just with our five senses we are able to come to far-reaching findings. In the case of optimal health, the intestines should be situated around the navel, like is the case with Greek statues for instance. A healthy abdominal pack is tightly nailed up to the inner backside of the trunk, hence its position exactly in the middle of the belly. The sad" reality is, that there is hardly anybody left with such an ideal posture. In almost all cases, the entire abdominal pack has changed position and shape. When you look at yourself in the mirror - and loosen your abdomen - the illustrations in this book will enable you to make your own diagnosis of your digestive state. The miracle is this: by just examining the shape of your belly, you will be able to know, if and in what degree and what kind of chronic indigestion you have. Not only that. You also will be able to trace the interconnectedness with other complaints or disorders you may have. This is often spectacularly easy to detect. First there is the normal abdomen as described above. Chronic overeating causes indigestion, with as its first stage irritation of the bowel with its typical draw in shape. If the load of the overburdening continues though, the bowel at a certain moment will start sagging. This weakening may be local (with compensatory contortions else-where) or of a general nature. For instance, your stomach can be distended, together with your ascending colon. The categories are the following. Either you have a "sagging belly", with a great deal of feces in the lower abdomen, a sign of protein-overnourishment with subsequent rotting or a gas belly", with a bulging above the navel, a sign of carbohydrate fermentation or a combination of both, a condition called a drum (beer) belly. Part of the bowels which are notoriously hypotonic, are the ascending, the transverse and the sigmoid colon. The weakened parts in particular (morass formation) are then prone to - due to the damming up of the blood-circulation - fermentation, rotting and the growth of fungi, as well as parasites. Particular vulnerable places - those where the feces are dammed up or simply stay too long a time - are (logically) prone to the occurrence of a.o. cancer growth. Hypotone bowels unfortunately show few symptoms - contrary to an irritable colon - but belong to a much more progressed stage of disease. There is thus every reason to do some self diagnosis. Decide for yourself into which category you fit. For secondary disorders - like uterine prolapse, haemorrhoids, varicosis, crural ulcer, low back pain, salpingitis and urine incontinence - see under A Case History" on page 84. The only one who has a healthy big belly...is the laughing Buddha. 5.18 The combined rubbing-bath according to L. Kuhne (see fig. 2) This is one of the most effective water-applications of natural medicine and very easy to apply. The cold rubbing bath is most popular. It activates, improves blood-circulation, detoxifies, promotes elimination and hardens". The bath may be used for a great many disturbances, of the flow system and organs. It may activate emergency valves, which entirely disappear upon continuation of the baths: a burning sensation while urinating, diarrhoea, the breaking-through of menstruation and vaginal flow. To many people the combined rubbing bath has become indispensable. The procedure is as follows: Fill a (plastic) basin with cold water. If you feel cold (and perhaps shivery), then postpone the bath. Your body should feel warm, otherwise it will not be able to respond to the cold stimulus, which is the purpose of this bath. The water should not be too cold in the beginning, once you are used to the bath, you may lower the temperature, e.g. to 12-14 degrees ° C. Only your lower body is bare, keep your socks on, the room is well-heated and ventilated. Using a wash-cloth, apply the water and rub it to the lower part of your body: the genital area, groin, buttocks, lower abdomen and anus. Work on these areas intensively, time and again using fresh water. The rubbing-bath usually takes 5-15 minutes, unless you start cooling off, in which case you should end the bath earlier. Frequency: in the case of complaints or as an intensive cure: one to three times a day. Used preventively: once a week, for instance. Always dry off well after bathing and rub your body warm. Your belly should become (glowing) warm after a while. In case it does not, you probably have spent too much time in the cold bath. 5.19 Jogging/swimming The intense diaphragmatic respiration brings about a strong internal massage of the upper-abdominal organs, together with all the above-mentioned benefits. Those who are out of practice should slowly build-up a an exercise-regime, for instance 5 to 10 minutes of jogging or 15 to 20 minutes of swimming five to six times a week. After a few weeks it may be brought up to 20 to 30 minutes of jogging or swimming a day, which is generally sufficient for keeping your upper-abdominal organs in shape. As far as the technique is concerned, do some warming up exercises first. The exercise should be pleasurable, the basic posture relaxed and you should not be out to prove anything. Be flexible as to weather-conditions - wet weather is refreshing and not a nuisance - and enjoy the clouds in the sky and your immediate surroundings. See to it, that your body has been warmed up. While jogging, breathe through the nose. This way, you will be breathing deeply and this is what you should be doing. You may also try to constantly keep in touch with the soles of your feet touching the ground, which will make you feel more and is adding to the pleasure. Before/after the exercise always do stretching-exercises. It speaks for itself, that many forms of physical exertion - working in the garden, dancing, hiking and sports like biking, playing soccer - will have the same effect. Always keep in mind a relaxed basic posture and the breathing through the nose. 5.20 Laughter as the best medicine" When we laugh our upper-abdominal organs, by way of our diaphragm, undergo a great deal of shaking" and are thus massaged. Laughing from the belly is therefore the best. If you not able to bring yourself to laugh, then start by shaking your belly in a relaxed way. This in itself may make you laugh. The emotional release is considerable too. Needless to say, that the fun it gives, probably has the strongest healing power. Not surprisingly though, that love and laughter" is practised in clinical situations. Recommended as a number of times weekly. 5.21 Abdominal massage This self-help method is very effective in activating the bowel-function, digestion, the blood-flow and the abdominal lymph-system. In the case of self-poisoning from the bowels, the lymph-circulation in de abdomen is deregulated and dammed up. Detoxification is impaired and the immune-system weakened. Our resistance may therefore quickly become lower. Note: 70 % of the immune-system is located in the abdomen. See the oil-chewing under Detoxification". This very effective abdominal massage is also a most simple one. Massage your entire belly by making circular movements clockwise one hundred times every day. You will be surprised. Provided you do it every day, during a longer period of time - sometimes up to one year is needed - all kinds of complaints and disorders simply disappear. It is practised in China a lot, where this massage is considered to be tonifying, since it pours in energy. 5.22 Pelvic treatment The parts of the pelvis, which may be suitable for our purpose are the ilium and the pubic bone. With this pressure point (reflex) massage, the periosteum is affected. Via innumerable nerve-connections, our impulses are transmitted to the corresponding segments and organs. Massage of the pelvis in particular, affects the function of the colon, rectum, bladder, ovaries, uterus and prostate. The technique is simple. The part of the ilium above the right side of the groin in particular warrants consideration. From this spot we may activate the rising part of the colon, which is often weakened. The left part is less suitable, due to an often sensitive colon on that side. With your right thumb you can easily feel the inner part - running up to the abdomen - of this piece of bone. With the slightest of rotational movements you massage a number of points on the inner part of the bone. These points are often very sensitive. Keep massaging, until you just reach the pain-threshold so that any after-pain is avoided. After going over 3-5 points, you once more rub over the entire area with your thumb. The same may be done on the pubic bone - below the pubic hair - on the side of the abdomen as well as the genital side of the bone under". Always concentrate on the inner side of the bone as much as possible, since there are a greater number of points there. This technique is especially valuable in case of a hypotonic colon ascendens with a corresponding "irritable colon" on your left side. The heavy pack on the right side is putting so much strain on the opposite descending part, that it turns into (permanent) contraction. Not spasmolytic treatment, but the opposite: tonification of the right colon ascendens will automatically bring relief to your "irritable colon" (see page 85). 5.23 Hemorrhoids Because hemorrhoids are the result of a weakened bowel pack pressing on the lower pelvis (with damming up of blood and widening of bloodvessels), the first thing you can do is the various tonification therapies as mentioned in this chapter. A combination of 5.18, 5.19, 5.21 and 5.22 will be most favourable. Additionally the yoga exercises mentioned above, together with the one in which you pull up your anal muscle are usually very effective too. In the Middle Ages a local bloodletting was made (opening of the "golden vein") with "emptying" of the hemorrhoids. Through this the walls of the hemorrhoids became stuck to each other with obliteration of the hemorrhoids, a very intelligent approach indeed. A green clay pack also could help. Mix green clay with a little water and put the substance ("porridge") in a gauze or piece of thin cotton. This is then applied to the hemorrhoids, preferably in the evening before going to bed. Keep it there during sleep. Do it every night until the clay has completely dried out the hemorrhoids. 5.24 Footsole-reflexology Because of its reputation, popularity and the many courses and treatments available everywhere, we will not go into this form of reflex-treatment in too much detail. Self-help may consist in regularly treating the soles of your feet with rollers, especially developed for this purpose. Corresponding Chinese tools for the hands are also available. REGENERATION 5.25 Digestive enzymes In case the digestion is insufficient, taking digestive enzymes is an option. There are remedies containing enzymes for the digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fat. The dosage mostly is 3 dd 2 tablets or more after the meals. Specific foods, like papaya also promote digestion. In the fifties Dr. J. Kuhl already emphasized the importance of lactic acid fermented food, like sauerkraut, pickles, vegetable juices, dairy and soy products. Asian people have a great experience too. Soy sauce and miso are two of the examples, therefore buy naturally fermented soyproducts only. Some chemical soy sauces are even dangerous. The other category improving digestion are bitter substances. Very often they are used as an aperitif, think of Underberg" and similar alcoholic beverages. Of course, because of their high alcohol content, they are not suitable to our purpose. Other sources, like bitter vegetables and herbs do though. The usage of coffee - also a bitter remedy" - which we do not encourage, because of its high chlorogenic acid content6, should therefore be taken before the meal. It then promotes the activity of the bowels. Coffee brewed the Turkish" way, with coffee still at the bottom of your (very small) cup, is best for the purpose, since it binds harmful substances. See further in the next subsection. 5.26 R/ Digestive enzymes. (Carbohydrate-, fat- and protein-digesting enzymes) S. In the case of insufficient digestion; aimed at supporting the pancreas. 3 times a day, 1 to 2 tablets. Remedies with suppletion of pepsin, HCl (for stomach) and bile are also available. 5.27 R/ (Organic) whey Residue of cheese-production, contains much right-turning" lactic acid. S. Three times a day one small glass of juice. 5.28 R/ Da Shan Zha Wan (Big Hawthorn Pill: hawthorn, malt, six kinds of fermented grains and herbs) S. Promotes digestion. Dosage on the package. Pro-biotics Improvement of the intestinal flora through intestinal-friendly symbiotic bacteria. Due to indigestion, but also anti-biotics, fungus-growth and environmental toxins, the intestinal flora is often in a very poor condition or has degenerated altogether. Since the flora has important functions, such as supporting digestion, immune-response, cleansing, balancing and the production of vitamins, restoring and optimizing its function is important. Contrary to what is sometimes said, the intestinal flora a.o. bifidus, acidophylus and short chain streptococcus, is not damaged by the use of magnesium sulphate or a water enema. They are sooner relieved to have the toxic feces layer disappear from the bowels. Since the flora grows from the bottom to the surface of the mucous membrane, enemas only wash away the superficial layers, together with the diseased, degenerated and dead bacteria. The build-up of new flora is thus promoted. 5.29 R/ Pro-biotics S. Healthy intestinal bacteria for the build-up of the intestinal flora. Available on the market are various preparations. Criteria: 1) they should be alive 2) should pass the stomach unchanged 3) should contain various kinds, at least three or four different ones 4) preferably an entire ecology" 5) should have a multi-purpose effect. 5.30 Treatment of fungi Because of our inner sewage-system and lowered resistance, we are more prone to all kinds of diseases. Virus- and yeast-infections are the most striking examples of it. Instead of categorizing this into yet another diagnosis - e.g. candida"- which conceals more than it reveals, suggesting just another isolated" disease, rather than an overall condition in which we increasingly become mouldy (...), we will go to the root of the problem though. Fungus is becoming rampant within us - comparable to a piece of mouldy bread - because we have become rotten". It is therefore a very serious alarm-signal of a condition prior to further degeneration and decay. The first to be affected are the bowels. It is precisely there where indigestion occurs - fermentation and rotting - and which therefore provides an excellent breeding-ground for fungi. These cause a worsening of the digestive upsets, self-poisoning - production of toxins - de-regulation of the autonomic nervous system and allergies. A great number of symptoms may come as a result. Once the infection becomes chronic, it may spread to any part of the body. It may settle in the bloodvessel walls, with as a result degeneration of function. A number of spontaneous" aneurysmas of the arteries, a life-threatening condition in which these spots rupture, may be related to it. All organ-functions are thus slowly undermined. The fungus-infection can be extremely stubborn. All the treatments proposed by me - nutrition, intestinal cleansing, heightening of the combustion and de-toxification - must thus be adopted. Vitality food" may serve as a guide, be it with the following alterations: On an empty stomach begin with the 'oil-chewing', three mornings a week - see the section on Detoxification" - over the course of a month or perhaps two. Followed by a glass of (luke) warm water, to which is added a dessert-spoon of green clay" and a dash of whey, to be repeated two times more over the day. Remind the adding of enough vitamin C powder as to promote sufficient bowel-movements. Add once a month three days of laxation with magnesium sulphate. Fruit as a morning meal is okay, provided you only take the sour and bitter kinds like apples, strawberries, kiwi, papaya, grapefruit, but absolutely no sweet fruits like melons, grapes or tropical fruits, nor gas-promoting ones like cherries, prunes, apricots and peaches. The fruit may be combined with yoghurt or the soft cheese curd-line-seed oil porridge. See the chapter on Nutrition". Followed by lunch as the main meal, with the separate vegetable/protein and vegetable/carbohydrate meals and the leaving out of all sugar and sweets, refined flower products, all other industrialized food, yeast, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and black tea, meat, poultry, mushrooms and nuts. Fresh cloves, garlic, pumpkin seeds and especially grape-seed extract (Citricidal") are recommended. Pro-biotics, the four wind tea" and basic anti-oxidants like vitamin C, E and A, vitamin B5, biotin and selenium may be added. Moreover, fitness through daily exercises is essential! Without it, all other efforts could become useless. The entire cure to be continued for at least two to three months - sometimes half a year or longer - depending on the seriousness of the situation.
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