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Chapter 6. TRANSPORTATION Criteria of a healthy bloodcirculation The right protein-intake. Alkalinity of nutrition. Sufficient drinking and physical exercise. Warm hands and feet. Becoming a blood-donor. What can go wrong Protein-overconsumption. Impairment of capillary wall permeability. Toxic (acid) contraction or/and paralysis of the bloodvessel wall. Thickening of the blood, slowing down of circulation. Local acidosis, risk factors" and arteriosclerosis. A proper transportation of nutrients, from the intake until their utilization by the cell, is absolutely crucial. Major revolutionary scientific discoveries have been made recently. Once our food - with the aid of digestive enzymes from the pancreas, fat-absorbing bile from the gallbladder and the intestinal juices - has been digested and broken down into its smallest components, it is absorbed into the blood-circulation and the lymph-system. From there, the nutrients are transported to the capillaries - our smallest bloodvessels - where they pass through the pores of the capillary wall and the soft connective tissue, in order to reach the cells. Since all nutrients - glucose, amino-acids, tryglyceride, fatty acids, nucleic acids, cholesterol, potassium, calcium, oxygen to mention only a few - all have to go through this barrier, the pores of the bloodvessel wall, together with the connective tissue are of crucial importance (see fig. 9). They possess a key function, because without their permeability nothing gets through and the cells will suffer! The following may - and often does - go wrong. Through insufficient fluid-intake, whereby the blood has thickened", leads to a clogging in the smallest capillaries. An inactive life only adds to the problem: a slow blood and lymph-circulation, as a result of a lack of movement and physical exercise. Last but not least, overconsumption of (animal) protein, together with accumulation of acid waste products, prove to be the major cause of the thickening of the capillary wall and clogging of the connective tissue and therefore of poor passage of nutrients to the cell! A CASE HISTORY One of the best examples of how things may go wrong with the transportation, is the increased pressure in the eye-ball, a condition called glaucoma. The eye-ball is a secluded space with arterial inflow and venous outflow of the blood-circulation. These two are usually in balance, thus keeping the pressure of the fluid inside the eye-ball constant. When the capillaries become clogged, mostly through overconsumption of animal protein, problems first and foremost develop with the outflow. The venous pressure is, after all, much lower than that of the arterial inflow. Thus while the arterial blood is still continuously pumped in, the outflow has no power to overcome its obstructions. In a secluded system, such as that of the eye-ball this means the damming-up of the venous outflow and thus an increase in pressure. The heightened pressure forms a great threat to the functioning of the entire eye. Over the past years, I have been consulted by many people suffering from glaucoma. Except for those cases in which a focus was involved - amalgam, pulpitis, granuloma, ostitis, problems with wisdom teeth, chronic tonsillitis or sinusitis - or a serious illness, glaucoma proved to merely be an expression of a disturbed flow system. These cases were therefore not difficult to cure. The following was usually sufficient to restore balance: - although the approach varies from person to person - a change in eating-habits, like no more animal proteins, cheese, coffee and tea, nose-reflex therapy; a blood-letting, guasha - a revolutionary Chinese jade stone scraping therapy" - cupping, a cleansing-cure and sufficient exercise. New scientific insight thus has led to a breakthrough. Long-lasting and excessive use of animal protein, more than 60-70 grams of pure protein a day, during twenty, thirty and more years - in particular that found in meat, fish, eggs and cheese - results in accumulation of breaking down products, like collagen and muco-polysaccharides - which then are stored in the capillary wall and the connective tissue. Some people carry a surplus of five kilos of collagen with them! A gradual clogging of the bloodvessel-wall is the result. Which over the years, leads to a partial or severe impairment of the permeability of the nutrients on their way to the cells with as a consequence nutritional deficiencies of the cell. Proteins and their decomposition products thus form the major factors, not only in cell-function insufficiency, but also in the development of arteriosclerosis! once the collagen has thickened the capillary basic membrane. They are able to bind lots of other molecules, like albumin, amino-acids, glyco-proteins, uric acids, lipo-proteins, cholesterol, calcium-compounds and environmental toxins like heavy metals. The cholesterol is thus secondary. Because of the thickened capillary wall, cholesterol - an important nutrient! - cannot get through. If it cannot get through, it first accumulates in the blood, becoming a so-called risk factor", with eventually sticking to the protein-sediments. The situation is this. While the concentration of nutrients in the blood goes up: e.g. hyperglycemia, hyper-albuminemia, hyper-tryglycemia and hyper-cholesteremia, the cells will increasingly suffer from deprivation and deficiency. They are then sending alarm-signals to the brain, which is responding by even more concentrating the risk factors" and the raising of blood-pressure. A high blood-pressure is thus an adaptive mechanism to still squeeze the nutrients through the capillary wall. Being not able to get through, the cholesterol is sticking on the inside of the bloodvessel wall. The concentric layers of the cholesterol-plaques are the proof for this! In the absence of thickened capillary wall however, there is no cholesterol-problem. If the permeability is optimal and the cholesterol can easily get through, there will be no cause for the cholesterol to accumulate. Epidemiology e.g. shows, that there is a positive correlation between the dramatic increase of animal protein consumption in Europe since WWII and the incidence of heart disease, while the consumption of fat only has gone down! A correlation which thus cannot be found with regard to fat-intake. The same protein also contains acid decomposition products like uric acid, which - once again in the case of over-consumption and poor combustion - will leave behind pockets of so-called local acidosis" in the connective tissue, as a result of which the latter gets even more clogged and obstructed. The passage of nutritive substances to the cells thus becomes even more impeded. The irony is this: through overeating of animal protein, our cells will suffer from deficiencies of nutrients, especially of vitamins, minerals, trace-elements and enzymes. Optimal transportation through the capillaries and the connective tissue therefore is one of the major links in our flow system. Earlier chapters have shown that deficiency-food and a poor digestion have preceded this, the three of them being responsible for an overall deficiency-syndrome, the third factor, that of the capillary wall being the last, but not the least. In many cases it means, that which ultimately reaches the cell is only a fraction from what it should be! Hence, for restoring optimal upkeep of the cells, it is not enough to change the diet or give supplements. Optimal nutrition, digestion and permeability of capillary wall have to go hand in hand. This is a good example of how flow system therapy works. A CASE HISTORY The adult diabetes is a good example of how things are turned upside down. In diabetes, the capillary wall averagely is three times thicker than normal. In regular medicine, this is therefore considered to be a symptom" of diabetes. However, which was there first: the thickened capillary wall or the diabetes", is the crucial question. Usually, tests are only done, after the diagnosis diabetes" is made. What happens, if we - just as an hypothesis - change the sequence though? Let us follow Prof. Dr. L. Wendt, in assuming, that the thickened capillary wall was there before the diabetes was diagnosed. In that case, the body had a permeability problem for all kinds of nutrients in the blood, among which glucose. The consequence: a higher level of glucose in the blood - in front of the wall - called hyperglycemia, and less glucose beyond it, in the connective tissue. If glucose cannot or only partly pass the wall barrier, then the cell is receiving less glucose. However, every cell needs an optimal amount in order for its combustion processes to work properly. Muscle cells are therefore releasing a peptide hormone, which give signals to the brain, informing them about the glucose shortage. The brain centers, in their turn, send their impulses to the glucose (glycogen) storage places, which latter start releasing sugar to the blood. More sugar in the blood will intensify the pressure of diffusion, through which the glucose again permeates through the pores of the capillary wall. The cells will have their shortages compensated. This is the compensatory mechanism of the adult diabetes. It is characterised by a thickened basic membrane of the capillary wall, the cause of it all. It was there, long before the actual diabetes became manifest. Further consequences: a hyperglycemia, a high insulin production as well as serum insuline level and a satisfactory compensatory glucose input to the cell. A condition a patient may hold out for some time. Real cure though, is to break down the collagen accumulation of the capillary wall, restoring the permeability. If glucose - and all other risk factors" - can go through again, then nothing excessive has to be compensatory balanced anymore. The original state is then restored. Hence protein-fasting to be of central importance in the treatment of adult diabetes. Nutritive substances pass from the bowels to the capillaries via the bloodstream. In order to reach the cells, they must pass through the pores of the capillaries and subsequently the connective tissue, in order to reach the cells. If the bloodvessel walls of these capillaries are clogged up, however, by protein - collagen - sediments and there is, moreover, an accumulation of waste in the connective tissue, the transportation of nutritive substances, together with oxygen, will run into problems as they pass on to the cells. Earlier chapters already have shown deficiency-food and a poor digestion as major factors in an overall deficiency-syndrome. Now the third factor, that of the capillary wall, is added to it. It means, that in many cases, that which reaches the cell, is only a fraction from what it could have been! Therefore, while the risk-factors" in the blood accumulate, the cells are increasingly starving! The latter send alarm-signals to the brain, which in turn causes the blood-pressure to go up. The purpose of this heightened blood-pressure is, that it helps the nutrients to pass through the increasingly clogged up capillary wall. It is therefore a useful adaptive mechanism. Nutrients once again then will be able to go through, feeding the cell. This is the compensatory mechanism of e.g. diabetes, the reason why "risk factors", hypertension, arteriosclerosis and diabetes are often found to be combined. Note: What goes for glucose and diabetes also goes for the other risk factors" in the blood, e.g. amino-acids, cholesterol and fatty acids. They are part of one syndrome: the thickened capillary wall! What happens though, if in such a situation anti-hypertensive drugs are given? You already guess it. The compensatory diffusion-pressure, necessary for the nutrients to go through the capillary wall, will be artificially brought down, with as a result, that the former will not be able to pass the pores anymore. Hence, the cells even more suffering from deficiencies, which sooner or later will lead to their collapse. Hence, to restore optimal upkeep of the cells, it is not enough to change the diet or give supplements only. Optimal nutrition, digestion and permeability of capillary wall have to go hand in hand. The other way round, the waste products from the cell-metabolism - which are constantly eliminated from the cells - will in such a case be hindered in finding their way to the lymph- and bloodstream, so as to ultimately be eliminated via the liver and the kidneys. The result is therefore two-fold: on the one hand, the cells are receiving insufficient nutritive substances and on the other hand ultimately suffocate in their own garbage. This condition is found in almost all civilization" related (chronic) disease, especially arteriosclerosis, claudicatio intermittens, ischemia, glaucoma, diabetes, rheumatism, angina pectoris, heart attack , stroke and many more. One (big) problem here is, that these conditions usually do not show too many worrying symptoms for a long time (dumping phase). See chapter The flow system". Acute conditions, like the above mentioned, therefore often come completely unexpected", as people say I dont understand, before I was still in a great condition and then "suddenly" I had my heart attack". However, as we know now, absence of symptoms doesnt always mean good health. Nowadays, quite a few things are potential damaging factors to our blood-circulation. It can be distinguished in factors which thicken the capillary wall and the connective tissue, those which contribute to a (semi)permanent contraction of the smallest bloodvessels, those which cause harmful resonance and those which cause chronic inflammation and degeneration. First there is thickening of the capillary wall, due to protein-overnourishment. Once the wall is clogged, secondary factors, like cholesterol are involved. If protein-overnourishment continues, during which time the body also tries to compensate cell-deficiencies via a higher blood-pressure, the hypercholesteremia in the blood precipitates as cholesterol-plaques at the inside of the bloodvessels. In the course of time, all kinds of other sediments - like protein breakdown products, lipo-proteins, calcium and e.g. heavy metals will also be deposited, which leads to the condition we call arteriosclerosis. An over-acidification (a.o. because of drinking coffee and tea!) causes permanent impairment, gel formation and slagging" of the soft connective tissue, which only adds up to the already existing problem. An often neglected factor is the thickening of the blood, due to not drinking sufficiently. In the laboratory this is tested via the so-called haematocrit (Hct). Thickened blood worsens the already existing problem of accumulated risk factors", making the permeability even more difficult. Lack of exercise, with slowing down of the bloodcirculation, has to be mentioned here too. Very few know, that a local damming-up of lymph and bloodcirculation, mostly as a consequence of a sagged" abdomen, very often also plays a role here. One of the compensatory mechanisms being abdominal hypertension", the attempt of the body to still balance the circulation there. With regard to chronic vaso-constriction so-called foci have to be mentioned - chronic symptomless inflammations like tonsillitis, due to early treatment of acute tonsillitis with anti-biotics - which in the long run could cause irritation of the autonomic nervous system, with as a consequence a sympaticotonus with vaso-constriction of parts or even the entire body. Chronic stress, which also promotes a sympaticotonus, only adds up to the problem. Needless to say, that smoking also takes its toll here. Furthermore, a self-poisoning from the bowel, together with environmental toxins will contribute to vaso-constriction via all kinds of irritable substances. The notorious example being chronic mercury poisoning from dental fillings. Electro-magnetic pollution also cannot be overlooked anymore. Low frequencies appear not to be as harmless as we tend to think. Waves from radio, TV, satellites, radar, cellular telephones, high voltage wires, computers, electricity in the house, they all contribute to an electro-magnetic soup", to which more and more people show vulnerability. The mechanism being resonance. Every cell, tissue and organ is in a state of vibration. They are all energy-patterns - waves with various frequencies - not only interfering with each other, but also with the outside world. According to the latest theories, the bloodvessel-wall could resonate with electro-magnetic smog, in such a way, that the former will be irreparably damaged. Its vibration simply becoming amplified to such an extent, that the plaques in the bloodvessel wall will be released, causing acute obstruction of arteries and infarction of tissue (heart-attack). Last but not least, an increasingly common factor has to be mentioned. If we have been treated with anti-biotics a lot, dead bacteria and their toxins - killing fields" - will be accumulating in the soft connective tissue and the bloodvessel wall. Our immune-system reacts through sensibilization and increasing overreaction to these deposits. With as a consequence, that sooner or later the sites of these antigen-protein compounds - our own bloodvessel wall - will be attacked. In regular medicine this is known as auto-aggression", with chronic inflammation of the bloodvessels - angiopathy, arteriitis, vasculitis, capillaritis - without knowing the exact causes though. Unfortunately, the consequences of their own interventions - iatrogenic: disease caused by medical intervention, suppression of both infection and immune-system - prove to be the major factor here. Contrary to this disturbing information, the
solution to these problems is mostly simple, logic and consistent. Proper nutrition, bowel
cleansing, a drinking cure, removal of environmental toxins, Nothing in this respect could be more illustrative than to analyse the mechanisms, which eventually may lead to a heart attack. It is a complicated event, however, with its own - flow system - logic. First, there is a chronic condition of lack of vital substances due to deficiency, poor digestion and impairment of permeability of the capillary wall, the triple barrier" as we now know. Together with the accumulation of acids - from the protein metabolism, the drinking of too much coffee and tea - a chronic ischemia, a reduction of blood flow is induced. Drinking too little, as most people do, leads to thickening of the blood, with increasing passage problems. A factor commonly unknown, often plays a role not to be ignored. It is chronic indigestion with fermentation of carbohydrates. This creates a condition, whereby gas is formed - gas goes up - which continuously pushes the diaphragm upwards. Which leads to a restriction in diaphragm movements. The breathing becomes shallow in such a way, that the heart, with its foundations resting on the diaphragm, wont receive its proper inner massage, necessary for optimal heart circulation. The result is shortage of oxygen, because of limited oxygen intake via the lungs, worsening the already existing oxygen shortage due to the permeability impairment of the capillaries, causing a vicious circle of local acidosis of the heart muscle. If the cells do not receive enough oxygen, they are going to produce excess of lactic acid. The cell then suffocates in its own waste products. In the mean time, the chronic self-poisoning from the bowel with its irritating substances on the bloodvessel wall, causing constriction, may not be overlooked. Then, very often a focus plays an additional role too. These are symptomless chronic harmful influences, usually from local chronic inflammations or pockets of toxins. In this situation, chronic tonsillitis and amalgam are notorious. They lead to a chronic overstimulation of the sympaticus, the part of the autonomous nervous system, which is responsible for vaso-constriction. Add chronic stress and electro-magnetic pollution to it, the former worsening the vaso-constriction, the latter through harmful resonance with the bloodvessel wall, and the picture is complete. Any insignificant provocation like a copious dinner, drinking of too much coffee, excessive smoking, a moment of stress, fatigue or overexertion can be the trigger to obstruction of the bloodvessel, infarction of the heart muscle and the fatal attack. Against the background of all this, the advice of just taking a low cholesterol diet", as it is usually recommended, seems to be a bad joke. Once my patients start working with the
flow system, they are regaining a positive feed-back with their own natural healing power.
They soon start feeling better. The downward line has turned into an upward one. Now all
kinds of other things are improving as well: more energy, optimistic with regard to the
future, being more happy with life One of the positive side-effects of flow system therapy, is its de-mystifying effect. In fact, even in very common cases, one usually doesnt know the real causes. Instead, ordinary disorders like e.g. uterine fibroids and prostate enlargements are considered to be separate conditions, each with their own separate ritual, specialist, examination, diagnostics and treatment. There isnt any transparency with regard to origination, connectedness or other sensible explanations though. It just seems, they come straight out of the blue. Hence, people are completely powerless. It is like Russian roulette, you just have bad luck" when you get it. On the other hand, one of the most enjoyable things of our approach is, that it gives you insight and understanding. For instance, in above mentioned cases, the explanation is both linked to the bloodcirculation, a sagged abdominal pack and protein-overnourishment. Together, they are responsible for a pressure on the lower abdominal organs, a damming up of the circulation and thus the easy dumping of excess of collagen (dumping phase) in the neighbouring, underlying! organs. Haemorrhoids may be a first sign of this condition, later" the other two may be added" to it. It opens the way to appropriate therapy. In the case of fibroids and prostate-enlargement an intensive (protein) fasting and bowel-cleansing cure may be recommended. If the body doesnt receive food from outside anymore, it starts consuming its own excess. In this way I have seen many a fibroid disappearing. Optimal Vitality Care: health with a surplus value A CASE HISTORY A 62-year old male, suffering from blood circulation problems in the legs, - claudicatio intermittens - came to my practice. Typical in cases such as this, is that when walking, the patient after a certain amount of time - usually a few minutes - is always forced to stop, due to pain in the calves. In this case, the patient suffered to such an extent, that he had been scheduled for operation. Upon regulating the flow system, however, through nutritious food, the leaving out of meat, fish and eggs, the avoiding of coffee, tea, alcohol and cigarettes, combined with the treating of his indigestion, administering of warm baths, daily total body line-oil massage and gradually increasing his movements, he was able to freely move without pain after a period of four months. The operation was cancelled. A protein restriction will be beneficial to all those with chronic disorders, who have been eating too much animal protein, acid food - meat, fish, egg, cheese, beans, coffee and tea - over a long period of time. See our hypertension project as an example of how to implement this in public health care1. Or you might be interested in joining the Personal Health Plan, mentioned at the end of this book or in following the advice of Prof. Dr. L. Wendt. He recommends an initial first totally protein-free month - as in our Plan - followed by one protein-free meal a day, one protein-free day a week, one protein-free week a month and one protein-free month throughout the year. Of course, this should be accompanied by proper flow system therapy. OPTIMAL VITALITY CARE 6.1 Animal protein. Cutting back or giving up on animal protein altogether. See Personal Health Plan and the protein-fasting according to Prof. Dr. L. Wendt earlier in this chapter. Those with asthenic constitution, gluten- or/and milk/lactose allergy, or those in recovery phases should consider to eating more animal protein, as is the case of course with undernourishment. 6.2 Sufficient fluid-intake. This is a first requirement. For adults approximately two liters or more a day, whether thirsty or not. Thirst is not a criterion in this case. When you have been drinking too little over a longer period of time, your body resembles dried-up earth. You certainly remember pictures of earth cracks in the Sahel on TV. This earth is so dry, that once it starts raining, it proves to be incapable of absorbing the rain, in spite of the fact, that it is in dire need of it. Since your tissues are like dried out earth, you feel initial resistance to drinking. The tissues simply refuse to absorb the water. You therefore have to force yourself drinking. After a few days or week, the tissues are regaining their sponge-activity, because of which you start feeling thirsty again! Drink water, herbal teas (free of senna and frangula), fruit- and vegetable juices and other healthy drinks available. Our tap water is often a problem nowadays, since it contains nitrate, chlorine, agricultural pesticides, lead, cadmium etc. On the other hand bottled (mineral) water often contains traces of solvents as a result of cleaning containers. Hence, one has to compromise. My advice: drink both, half by half. Mineral water should be low sodium and without gas. If you can afford a reverse-osmose waterfilter, this is of course great, although it has the disadvantage of producing "waste" water. Always recycle the water for other purposes. (Poor) people who have to rely on chlorinated/fluorinated water, should do everything to improve the quality e.g. by trying to remove the chemicals through simple active carbon or clay filters. Vary the herbal teas. Make certain that they do not originate from eastern Europe, since they sometimes show Chernobyl radio-active contamination. In case of doubt, have it checked. Fruit- and vegetable juices should be carefully chewed and then swallowed, to avoid the formation of gas. Lactic-acid fermented vegetable juices should be preferred, because they ease digestion. You can do it yourself, by adding lemon juice or whey to the home-made juice. Herbal teas de-acidify, flush through, warm the body and add vital elements. Not to be brewed too strong. In bowel cleansing cures, people very soon tend to become bored with them, hence take them only when you really want them. Varying and mixing them is therefore important. Recommended herbs are fennel, camomile, peppermint, anise and caraway, these combat gas-formation in the bowels - one teaspoon fennel-tea may do miracles in a crying baby with a bloated belly - lemon-balm (calming), nettle (purifies the blood), sage (beneficial for the mucous membranes, the throat) and rosemary (stimulating). It speaks for itself, that you may well use the above in combination with other herbs. Coffee and ordinary tea are to be avoided, as well as soft drinks (cola) and drinks containing sugar and gas. Coffee and tea have a strong acidifying effect on the body and therefore only add to the negative effects, caused by animal proteins and sugar. Chlorogenic acid from coffee together with tannic acids from tea, which has nothing to do with caffeine, reduces cell-breathing to a mere 40%, and is therefore one of the major possible causes (if used daily) of chronic illness. A typical feature of cancer is, that the oxygen cell-breathing is so blocked, that the cell - by way of survival - switches to so-called fermentation. Note: This fermentation has nothing to do with the positive fermentation procedures of certain food (sauerkraut, Soya etc.). Furthermore gas simply promotes gas and a bloated belly. Cola drinks may promote the erosion of mercury from fillings, hence contributing to further mercury poisoning. Because mercury-poisoning is a.o. a co-factor in essential" hypertension, we should be warned. 6.3 Giving blood. One of the jokes in my lectures: a blood-transfusion is more beneficial to the giver than to the recipient!" While the patient is receiving old" blood, saturated with toxins and CO2, the donor is experiencing a boost of blood-renewing activities by the bone-marrow, a true rejuvenation indeed. The giving of half a liter of blood every six months extracts old blood from the body and promotes the forming of new blood. Additionally, the giving of blood promotes the breaking down of sedimentary protein decomposition products - collagen and glycomucopolysaccharides - from the bloodvessel wall of the capillaries, which in turn leads to an improvement or restoring of the permeability. Nutritive components and oxygen may then reach the cells without obstruction, while waste products are more easily returned to the blood. Cell-metabolism can thus be normalised. Needless to say, that this should thus be a stimulus for becoming a regular donor. Women, with their monthly loss of blood, are at an advantage in this respect. It also explains why, besides hormonal factors, women suffer less from arteriosclerosis. In the menopause, however, they are resembling the men" and are equally prone to all kinds of chronic disorders. 6.4 Physical exertion and exercise are crucial for promoting the blood-circulation. See the chapter on Digestion". 6.5 Water treatments There are many kinds, some of which are mentioned in this book, such as the combined rubbing-bath (see Digestion") and the upflowing footbath (see chapter Elimination" under Menstruation"). The treatments according to L. Kuhne and S. Kneipp in particular warrant attention. Should you wish to know more about these, then please study the literature. These treatments are given in various countries over the world, such as for instance in Germany at so-called 'Kurmittel-häuser' - a kind of extensive physiotherapy center with a range of possibilities - where one may undergo all kinds of treatments, without having to actually reside at a 'Kurort'. 6. 6 R/ Garlic S. Daily eating of a large fresh clove of garlic (or more). This promotes the blood-circulation and combats arteriosclerosis. Note: Should we all eat garlic, nobody would be bothered by the smell. There are a number of medicinal herbs improving the circulation. Rosemary, gingko biloba, ginger and the bromeleine from the pineapple, for this reason being the favorite daily fruit of Sophia Loren, to mention only a few. Back to the Content |